Adult Toothbrush - 6 pack

$ 23.96 $ 29.95


Buy your child a new sustainable toothbrush while donating one to another child in need. Our toothbrushes are biodegradable / recyclable and leave a positive impact on the communities that use them.

With Dupont Herox® bristles and a handcrafted bamboo handle, Smile Squared toothbrushes will keep your children's teeth – and the environment – clean.

100 % Biodegradable Bamboo Handle

100 % Recyclable Box

100% High Quality Bristles

1:1 Buying to Giving Ratio 


In the summer of 2010, my wife and I traveled to Central America on a trip that sparked a vision to improve children’s health around the world, and led us to launch Smile Squaredâ€"a company that asks you to rethink what and why you buy. Our company offers small products that make a big impact.

During this trip, we were part of a group that hosted a dental clinic at local orphanages and community centers. We soon came to realize that many of the kids had preventable and sometimes severe dental problems. Many of the children attending didn’t even own toothbrushes. 

Our goal was to teach the local children how to effectively brush their teeth. With no sinks or running water, I was assigned the task of holding trash sacks open for kids to spit in. I saw first-hand the effect that poor dental hygiene could have on children’s health. Not only do poor dental habits adversely affect children’s overall health, it also affects their confidence due to the poor aesthetic condition of their teeth. Simply put, some children don’t want to smile.

We founded Smile Squared in hopes of giving children their smile back. Our “Buy One, Give One” philosophy ensures the purchase you make has a direct impact on the world. Anytime you buy a Smile Squared toothbrush, we’ll send one to a child in need. Together, we can take a small step for big change.

Thank you for being a part of the next chapter in our story,

Eric Cope
Smile Squared
you buy one | we give one